The story of coolers unfolds magnificently in the realm of commercial refrigeration, particularly within the evolution of walk-in coolers. These industrial-grade refrigeration units have traversed a remarkable journey, transitioning from rudimentary cooling methods to high-tech systems that define efficiency and precision in preserving perishables for businesses.
When deciding on which walk-in cooler or freezer to buy, many things must be considered. In the following guide, we will go through all these considerations and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.
If you are planning to install a U.S. Cooler walk-in cooler or freezer, you need to know the R-factor of the insulation you will use. The R-factor is a measure of how well the insulation resists heat transfer. The higher the R-factor, the better the insulation.
Quincy, IL, January 15, 2018 – Sylvie Schulze was named Regional Sales Manager for U.S. Cooler’s Mid-South Territory, including New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Schulze is from Fort Worth, TX…