The following article comes from Dependable Refrigeration, LLC.
Storage of Fresh Food in the Refrigerator
The air in a fresh food refrigerator is always quite dry. What moisture there is in the refrigerator tends to collect and condense on the evaporator surfaces. Therefore, food containers should be covered and as air tight as possible to keep food moist.
The temperature inside the fresh food cabinet should be kept at 35 to 45 degrees F. Most fresh foods may be kept from three days to a week at the above temperatures. Unfrozen meat and fish should be stored at as close to 32 degrees F as possible. Fruits and vegetables should be cleaned and prepared for the table before being refrigerated.
For Storage of Frozen Food in the Freezer
The air in a food freezer, as in refrigerator, is very dry. Any moisture in the air of the freezer quickly condenses on the evaporator coil surfaces. It is very important, therefore, that all frozen foods be packaged in moisture proof containers.
When packaging food for the freezer, as much air as possible should be removed from the packaging. Frozen food packages must be tightly sealed. Ordinary paper is too porous for freezer use. If not properly packaged, frozen food will develop ”freezer burn”.
Freezer burn is indicated by a change in color of the food. Food value is not affected but there is a change in color and outside appearance.
Most frozen foods, if kept at temperatures of 0 to -10 degrees F may be kept for several weeks. Food to be kept for a year or more should be frozen at -20 degrees F or lower. Some frozen foods keep better than others; beef keeps better then pork.
It is a good idea to keep a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer to make sure you don’t have any refrigerator repair issues.