U.S. Cooler® manufactures quality custom and standard sized walk-in freezers. Our standard sized freezers are part of our QUICKSHIP program and usually ship within 3-5 business days. If you are in need of a custom sized unit we can build to your specifications and generally ship within 3 weeks.
Walk-in Freezers

U.S. Cooler® walk-in freezers are easy to install and just as easy to relocate or expand. Our freezers consist of panels made with inner and outer metal skins, a 4” insulation core, and equipped with cam-action locking devices. U.S. Cooler’s® cam-action locking systems combined with our heavy-duty gaskets provide an airtight seal between panels to prevent any air infiltration.
Insulation quality of walk-ins is often measured by R-value; the resistance to heat flow through an object. Since EISA was implemented January 1, 2009, all walk-in manufactures are required to have an R-value of at least R-32 for freezers. All U.S. Cooler® brand walk-in freezers & coolers meet or exceed EISA energy efficiency requirements.