After more than 35 years in business, US Cooler is going grey! We’re excited to introduce our new extruded polystyrene foam panels in grey. While still demanding the highest standards of our insulated panels, we will be transitioning to a reformulated, lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) Extruded Polystyrene Rigid Foam Insulation.

Our grey foam will maintain its superior insulation properties, carrying a R-Value of R-8.1 per square inch while complying with increased environmental regulations.
Currently, 11 states and Canada have implemented a phase-down in hydrofluorocarbons in an attempt to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. At US Cooler, we are phasing in the more sustainable Low GWP foam across all territories, even in those states that haven’t adopted the stricter standard.
While the chemical makeup of the extruded foam has been modified in the new, grey foam there is no change to the functionality of the foam within our panels. This means that you can expand a US Cooler walk-in cooler or freezer using the updated panels and they will fit seamlessly with your existing, blue foam box.
If you have any questions regarding our new, grey extruded polystyrene foam panels please reach out to your US Cooler Regional Sales Manager. As always, our first priority at US Cooler is providing high-quality walk-in freezers and cooler with exceptional customer service.